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Intai as dori sa le multumesc celor care m-au ajutat atat de mult:

~ Ii multumesc tatalui meu pentru ca el a fost cel ce mi-a aratat cum se creaza un blog.

~ Ii multumesc mamei mele pentru ca de fiecare data vroia sa vada noutatile pe site.

~ Le multumesc bunicilor mei, care, chiar daca nu sunt in de-al de internetului tot le-a pasat de ceea ce am facut si mi-au laudat munca.

~ Ii multumesc domnului meu diriginte, care, poate fara incurajarile lui acest blog nu ar mai fi fost in picioare.

~ Ii multumesc colegei mele Mihaela, care, fara ea, nici nu stiam ca exista cartile din seria Amurg, eu vazand doar primul film la vremea respectiva.

~ Le multumesc colegelor mele Diana si Corina pentru ca m-au ajutat un timp cu detinerea blogului.

~ Le multumesc Ioanei si lui Radu pentru ca m-au ajutat cu postarile, si anume mi-au dat poze noi, respectiv filme create de fani.

~ Si, nu in ultimul rand, le multumesc cititorilor mei.

sâmbătă, 5 iunie 2010

Booboo Interview

Q: What’s it like to play one of the most really loved characters in the Twilight Saga, I mean Seth is always one of everyone’s absolute favorites. Did it add any pressure to the role?

Boo Boo: I think to play someone’s favorite – that definitely adds pressure because you want to make sure you have the character down for the fans so they’re not disappointed. And a lot of kids my age love the character and I think that’s amazing, that’s something I can relate to because we’re all the same age kind of. You know what I mean? And I think it’s really awesome that people love this character and I’m really trying to do the best I can to make sure it’s what they see in their eyes.

Q: So I wanted to know, your character Seth probably in CGI form is in one of, if not the most famous fight scenes in all of the Twilight Saga. How did you feel about knowing that your character gets to be a part of that particular scene? (And I’m referring to the Rob, Victoria, Seth fight.)

Boo Boo: Actually when I was reading the books, I was like whoa he’s in an awesome fight scene, he rips someone’s arm off! That’s awesome! It’s sort of really cool to be a part of that to rip someone’s arm off. No, it feels great, I think that’s a great part of the book, is actually my favorite book because of that whole scene.

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