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Intai as dori sa le multumesc celor care m-au ajutat atat de mult:

~ Ii multumesc tatalui meu pentru ca el a fost cel ce mi-a aratat cum se creaza un blog.

~ Ii multumesc mamei mele pentru ca de fiecare data vroia sa vada noutatile pe site.

~ Le multumesc bunicilor mei, care, chiar daca nu sunt in de-al de internetului tot le-a pasat de ceea ce am facut si mi-au laudat munca.

~ Ii multumesc domnului meu diriginte, care, poate fara incurajarile lui acest blog nu ar mai fi fost in picioare.

~ Ii multumesc colegei mele Mihaela, care, fara ea, nici nu stiam ca exista cartile din seria Amurg, eu vazand doar primul film la vremea respectiva.

~ Le multumesc colegelor mele Diana si Corina pentru ca m-au ajutat un timp cu detinerea blogului.

~ Le multumesc Ioanei si lui Radu pentru ca m-au ajutat cu postarile, si anume mi-au dat poze noi, respectiv filme create de fani.

~ Si, nu in ultimul rand, le multumesc cititorilor mei.

miercuri, 2 iunie 2010

Kristen interview with Elle UK

On Twilight: ‘With Twilight, we never thought it was going to be so huge; we never thought we’d do a second, a third. I’m quite nervous about the third one, actually. It’s so such a privilege to be able to play a role for so long. Also, it’s such a product now; it didn’t start out as a product. I read the first book and thought, “Wow, this is a pager turner.” There was something in the script – the energy. It’s raw desire, that’s what that book is. Which is why it’s weird that little kids read it. I’m like, “What are you thinking about when you’re reading it?” I thought that it was going to be a really simple, overly dramatic – which was what was attractive about it – rotten love story. When they cast me it wasn’t like “Omigod, I got this huge movie”; it was like, “OK, I got this film.” You have to rev up to it.Read more: http://twilightguide.com/tg/#ixzz0phgeUwMC

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