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Intai as dori sa le multumesc celor care m-au ajutat atat de mult:

~ Ii multumesc tatalui meu pentru ca el a fost cel ce mi-a aratat cum se creaza un blog.

~ Ii multumesc mamei mele pentru ca de fiecare data vroia sa vada noutatile pe site.

~ Le multumesc bunicilor mei, care, chiar daca nu sunt in de-al de internetului tot le-a pasat de ceea ce am facut si mi-au laudat munca.

~ Ii multumesc domnului meu diriginte, care, poate fara incurajarile lui acest blog nu ar mai fi fost in picioare.

~ Ii multumesc colegei mele Mihaela, care, fara ea, nici nu stiam ca exista cartile din seria Amurg, eu vazand doar primul film la vremea respectiva.

~ Le multumesc colegelor mele Diana si Corina pentru ca m-au ajutat un timp cu detinerea blogului.

~ Le multumesc Ioanei si lui Radu pentru ca m-au ajutat cu postarile, si anume mi-au dat poze noi, respectiv filme create de fani.

~ Si, nu in ultimul rand, le multumesc cititorilor mei.

joi, 29 aprilie 2010

Despre Eclipse: inelul de logodna

MTV has an article talking about what they think are the five most important scenes in the new Eclipse Trailer.Check it all out here.
Here is an excerpt:
Before and After the Tent Scene
It would have been asking too much for Slade to include shots from the actual human/vampire/werewolf sleepover in today’s “Eclipse” trailer, but he was nice enough to include a couple moments of events surrounding the infamous tent scene. First Jacob is seen standing shirtless in the snowy mountains, having an angsty moment with Bella at 1:12 (before the tent scene). And then Edward and Bella are confronted by Victoria at 1:16 (after the tent scene). Fortunately, fans will be so distracted by all the other goodies in this trailer that they won’t even notice until a few hundred views later ? or now that we pointed it out — what it was missing
I wanted tent scene, LOL!!!!

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